Registered & Reliable Maid Agency in Malaysia
Who We Are?
Agensi Pekerjaan Global Ace Sdn. Bhd. (Company No. 1044398-X), a company incorporated in Malaysia is an employment agency licensed by the Ministry of Human Resources and registered as No. JTKSM 411B.
We started operating in April 2013 and we aim to uplift the employment agency industry in Malaysia by providing the best service to families and helpers.
Core Value

Quality and Excellence
Set and achieve high standards in everything we do.

Do the right things.

Develop our talents and enjoy our work.

Value the differences of every person and their rights to participate without bias in the workplace, their communities, and this country.

Make wise decisions and help expand the business.
WHy CHoose Us
An extra pair of helpful hands with the never ending household chores is what we all wish for. We, at Global Ace Maid Agency understand the woes of families who have to juggle with a lot of responsibilities, while ensuring that the home we live in; is clean and comfortable. That is why we provide households with well-trained and most importantly, trustworthy maids and domestic helpers such as maids from Philippines and Indonesia maids in Malaysia. Global Ace is one of the most reliable maid agency in Malaysia who is registered with the Human Resources Ministry and the Immigration Department. We supply maids to a few locations around Malaysia and provide domestic house cleaning services for houses around Selangor and Kuala Lumpur. Our fast processing, coupled with our professional service has made Global Ace the maid agency and cleaning service provider of good choice in Malaysia, particularly in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur.

Our Vision
Our Mission
To provide the finest customer service.
The management of Global Ace Maid Agency will always be accessible and ready to serve you and discuss how best we can accommodate you. Besides maintaining the highest level of confidentiality throughout the whole hiring process and beyond, we uphold the highest integrity in giving you the most professional and best services.